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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The pineapple ( Ananas comosus ) is a plant from the family of Bromeliaceae. It is originally native to America and is now cultivated worldwide in tropical areas as fruit plant. It forms fleshy fruit stalls, which are eaten fresh or made ​​into preserves and juice.
fruit pineapple
There are also many wild species, belonging to the same group and gender. The fruit when ripe is very acidic flavor and often sweetened. In cooking can be used as a powerful meat tenderizer. Usually we use the pulp of the fruit, but its core and the shells may be common for juice production.

Pineapple tree

The pineapple plant is herbaceous and perennial. Although most of the bromeliads are epiphytes, the ananas comosus is a plant that grows on land. It has a basal rosette of leaves rigid, sessile, lanceolate, closely overlapped, with margins provided with short spines, 30 to 100 cm long. Can be thorny or not depending on the variety. The stem is short, thick and shaped bottle due to water accumulation. The stem leaves a stalk that supports an inflorescence terminal, spiciform , comprising several dozen flowers trim in pink, white or blue, sometimes the only way in life.
Pineapple philippines

The flowers are hermaphrodite, sessile and bracts. Have three sepals fused at the base, three petals forming a tube, six stamens and three ovaries. The flowering period extends for a month or more. Pollination occurs due to hummingbirds.
These flowers give rise to infructescència, pineapple, which is actually a multiple fruit is large and ovoid. The heart of syncarp more fibrous forms from the axial stem. The walls of the ovary, the base of the bract and sepals are transformed into a yellow flesh, very fibrous, sweet and sour. The flower gives the deck hard and thorny, formed by the merger of the apex of the bract and three sepals. Each pineapple can weigh up to 4 kg. Regarding the leaves also is of interest to highlight its long and rich in fibers, aspects that facilitate the economic use of Ananas comosus in the textile industry. The fruit is made ​​available with a series of numbers that follows the Fibonacci.

Pineapple can be consumed fresh or industrialized in the form of slices or chunks in syrup, crystallized pieces, raisins, pickles, juice, syrup, jam , liquor, brew, vinegar and brandy. However, the main products are the slices or chunks in syrup and juice. With the pineapple juice can be prepared refreshments, ice creams, creams, candies and cakes. As by-products of the industrialization of pineapple, one obtains alcohol, citric acid (citrate), malic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), bromelain ( enzyme proteolytic entering into the composition of various drugs) and feed for animals ; the rest of the plant, are exploited industrially, the fiber and starch. Pineapple juice contains about 12 percent sugar and 1 percent of organic acids (particularly citric acid), is considered good source of vitamins A and B1, as well as reasonable source of vitamin C.

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