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Thursday, July 3, 2008


Jackfruit or Langka has a tropical plant of the family of Moraceae. It is cultivated for its fruit, the largest in nature from those that grow from trees.
fruit Jackfruit
The fruit therein, is yellow, similar to the handle. Its juice is slightly acidic and deeply sweet, with a flavor reminiscent mango mixture with orange.  It is an exotic fruit that is sweet in the toko for sale. Young, unripe jackfruit is used as a vegetable. The fruit is often sold in cans, but markets are sometimes parts of fresh fruits. There are also chips and ice cream, made ​​of jackfruit. With dishes in the oriental cuisine, such as Filipino, Vietnamese, Malaysian and Indonesian, is the fruit used.

Jackfruit trees

The tree is robust stem up to 60 cm in diameter and evergreen leaves. The coat of mail is a plant cauliflora and monoecious, and has separate male and female flowers on the same plant in different inflorescences.
Jackfruit philippines

It is mainly cultivated for the fruits consumed in various countries of South East Asia, especially in India. Are often canned for export, or fried as chips. In some countries, the juice is fermented to get an alcoholic drink. The immature fruits instead can be reduced to flour for various exotic specialties, or cooked as the fruits of his cousin "bread tree" ( Artocarpus altilis ). The numerous large seeds are used to be cooked in a manner similar to chestnuts.


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