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Showing posts with label Adobo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adobo. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2013


Adobo is a Spanish term that is generally used for seasoning or marinade and is a marinade or seasoning mix describes. Adobo is for example of marinated dishes such as chipotles en adobo, which from Chipotle is-chillies and marinated with a rich, flavourful tomato sauce. The Court in various regions of Latin America, in Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, to the Philippines and in Spain widespread, with each pork, spices and special peppers used.

Although it has a name taken from the Spanish, the cooking method is indigenous to the Philippines. When the Spanish colonized the Philippines in the late 16th century and early 17th century, they encountered an indigenous cooking process which involved stewing with vinegar, which they then referred to as adobo, the Spanish word for seasoning or marinade. Dishes prepared in this manner eventually came to be known by this name, with the original term for the dish now lost to history.