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Wednesday, October 8, 2008


The banana is a plant of the family of Musaceae. The term banana is applied to the fruit of the plant, which is developed (in the species and variety edible) in a series of clusters. Bananas typically weigh 125 to 200g, although this weight varies considerably between the different cultivars. The fruit is edible for about 80%, the remaining 20% peel and can be eaten raw or cooked .
banana fruits
In popular culture and commerce, "banana" usually refers to soft, sweet banana used as a fruit. Instead cultivars of Musa fruit harder and rich in starch are called plantains. This distinction is purely arbitrary and plantain and banana are sometimes interchangeable depending on the context.

banana philippines

The banana plant is the largest herbaceous plant with a flower. The plants are generally high and sturdy and are often mistaken for trees , but their trunk main is actually a pseudofusto that grows up to 6-7 meters, and that grows from a bulb-tuber. Each pseudofusto can produce a single bunch of bananas. After fruiting the pseudofusto dies, but offshoots may develop side. Many varieties of bananas are perennial.
The leaves are spirally arranged and may grow up to 2.7 meters in length and 60 cm in width. They are easily torn by the wind, with the result that often appear frayed.

The banana fruits develop from the banana heart, in a large pendulous mass, made ​​up of rows of fruit (called hands ), with up to 20 fruits per row. The mass of the fruit is known as a helmet , comprising 3-20 hands, and can weigh 30-50 kg. The individual fruits ripen with the flower facing upwards, not downwards.

banana trees

The spread of the banana happened in ' Asia South-Eastern period prehistoric . Even in the early 2000s are many species of wild bananas in New Guinea , Malaysia , Indonesia and the Philippines .
Recent archaeological and palaeoenvironmental evidence in the swamps of Kuk in the Western Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea suggests that banana cultivation dates back at least to 5000 BC and perhaps all ' 8000 BC This would make the highlands of New Guinea, where the banana was domesticated. It is likely that other species of wild bananas were later domesticated in other parts of Southeast Asia.
The banana is mentioned for the first time in history texts written in Buddhist of 600 BC Alexander the Great discovered the taste of banana in the valleys of ' India in 327 BC The existence of a growing organized banana has been reported in China since at least 200 AD In 650, Islamic conquerors brought the banana to Palestine. The merchants Arabs later spread throughout most of the bananas' Africa.
In 1502, the settlers Portuguese started the first banana plantations in the Caribbean and in Central America.

types of banana

Nutritional Values
Bananas contain about 75% water, 23% of carbohydrate , 1% of protein , 0.3% fat , and 2.6% of dietary fiber (these values ​​vary depending on various crops of bananas, the degree of maturation and growth conditions).
The pulp of the banana, being rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin PP and, albeit to a lesser extent, vitamin E, minerals ( calcium , phosphorus , iron and potassium ) and carbohydrates has nourishing, re-mineralizing and stimulating the skin. The banana also contains vitamin B6, which promotes the metabolism of protein . It is widely accepted that the banana is a food particularly rich in potassium, in fact, the average content of potassium in bananas is about 350mg per 100g of edible portion, much lower than for example to 570mg of a boiled potato or baked.

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