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Monday, July 21, 2008

Kalatungan Mountain Range

The Mount Kalatungan Range Natural Park is a protected area and is located south of Mount Kitanglad Range Natural Park in the province of Bukidnon on the Island of Mindanao in the Philippines.
Kalatungan Mountain Range
There are smaller populations of the gold crown flying fox, the short-faced flying fox (Alionycteris paucidentata), which in the Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park and the Mount Kitanglad Range Natural Park are endemic. It is also the live Philippine Pustelschwein (Sus philippinensis) and the Philippine deer (Cervus mariannus) in the park.

Kalatungan Mountain Range philippines

Five dominant tree species grow in the parks which are endemic to Mindanao, the Katmon (Dillenia philippinensis), white lauan (Shorea contorta), Red Lauan (Shorea negro sensis) Bagtikan (Parashorea malaanonan) and Bikal Baboi (Schizotachyum dielsianum).

Locals Bukidnons, made up of the indigenous tribes of the Manobo and Talaandig live mostly in the forests, which they regard as holy, as these areas are used as burial grounds. Locals live from the forest, which they use as a source of food, but also for the natural medicine. Mountaineers and hikers must obtain a permit before entering the mountains of the tribes, and elders perform a ritual to the spirits of the ancestors agree favorably.
A small hydro-power plant on the southern flank of the massif in Maramag supplies the province with electricity.



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